EcoVision supported numerous projects in the power and water sector throughout the Dutch Caribbean. These projects include EIAs and permit applications for electricity plants, reverse osmosis plants, wind farms, solar energy and energy storage. In addition, we supported Curaçao’s utility company with the successful implementation and certification of its Environmental Management System (ISO 14001 certification).
Below you can find an overview of EcoVision’s projects, including:
- Modelling air emissions Aqualectra, scenarios till 2030 (2024)
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) report Aqualectra (2024)
- Survey of breeding least terns at Koraal Tabak (2021-2024)
- Climate risk assessment Aqualectra (2023)
- Memo permit applications Aqualectra N.V. (2023)
- Fontein Waaigat Aqualectra (2023)
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) wind farm Koraal Tabak, Curaçao (2023)
- Survey of breeding least terns (2021)
- Environmental year report including waste water monitoring and air quality modelling for Aqualectra (2009-2022)
- Selection brine discharge location for Corendon RO-Installation (2021)
- Nature survey in area new proposed wind farm (2020)
- Groundwater sampling and analysis at landfill and transfer station of Selikor (2019)
- Investigation brine discharge into Zakito lagoon (2018)
- Noise measurements and modelling of noise immissions at diesel power plant (2018)
- Support permit application extension Dokweg 2 power plant Aqualectra (2017)
- Aqualectra environmental annual report (2010-2018)
- Monitoring bird and bat fatalities Windfarms Curaçao (2013-2015)
- Social and Environmental Assessment Wind Farms Curaçao (2009, 2015)
- Permit application including environmental study for a new 35 MW power plant (2012)
- Birds and bats baseline survey at wind farms Curaçao (2011-2012)
- Design feasibility study for a waste management and processing plant (2010-2011)
- Environmental Impact Study on Investment Plan 2010-2015 Aqualectra (2010)
- Monitoring the effects of an RO-brine discharge in the Fuik-area (2007-2010)
- Energy and water efficiency in office buildings of Aqualectra (2009)
- Implementation ISO 14001 environmental management system at Aqualectra (2006-2007)
- Permit application and environmental study for a new Reversed Osmosis plant (2003)
- RO brine disposal optimization study for WEB Aruba (2017-2018)
- Site Specific Environmental Study Floating Solar Project (2016)
- Assessment of ambient air quality at Barcadera, Aruba through measurements and modelling (2015-2016)
- Environmental studies for a new Reversed Osmosis plants (2008-2015)
- Social and Environmental Impact Report Hydrostor system (2013)
- Quick Scan of aspects for Social and Environmental Assessment, wind farm Aruba (2011)
- Starting note for extension power plant (2024)
- Location study new diesel and solar power production (2024)
- Noise measurements and modelling on İltekno genset at ContourGlobal power plant (2023)
- Vegetation assessment transport route Bonaire for Windfarm Contour Global (2023)
- Permit Application Windfarm ContourGlobal (2023)
- Environmental impact assessment for a solar farm (2020)
- Exhaust emissions and noise measurements Iltekno (2019)
- Permit extension ContourGlobal (2019)
- Emission measurements ContourGlobal (2018)
- Develop stakeholder engagement plan for ContourGlobal Bonaire (2016)
- Compliance check permit existing power plant ContourGlobal (2015)
- Drafting of Starting Note for an EIA for a new Reversed Osmosis plant (2015)