A few islands in the Dutch Caribbean systematically conduct Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) which are required by law, while others conduct EIAs on an ad hoc basis. In some cases, these assessments are based on the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Equator Principles. EcoVision itself conducts EIAs or – in case of complex industries or situations – in cooperation with foreign consultancy companies. In addition, EcoVision assists companies with drafting applications for various types of permits or exemptions, such as nuisance permits, construction permits, maritime construction permits and exemptions from ordinances regulating reefs.
Below you can find an overview of related EcoVision projects:
- Memo permit applications Aqualectra N.V. (2023)
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) wind farm Koraal Tabak, Curaçao (2023)
- Addendum to ESA biodiesel plant including soil survey (2022)
- EIA Eco Resort Rif St.Marie (2021)
- Ecological assessment Bay View Development (2020)
- Ecological assessment Koraal Tabak Estates (2019)
- Support permit application extension Dokweg 2 power plant Aqualectra (2017-2018)
- Guidance environmental permit application process Smith & Nephew (2017-2018)
- Support on permit application, Reversed Osmosis Plant Santa Barbara Resort (2016)
- Permit application asphalt recovery from the Asphalt Lake (2007-2016)
- Social and Environmental Assessment Wind Farms Curaçao (2010, 2015)
- Environmental Impact Assessment artificial beach at Piscadera Bay (2015)
- Environmental Impact Assessment marina at Piscadera Bay (2015)
- Permit application including environmental study for a new 35 MW power plant (2012)
- Environmental Impact Study on Investment Plan 2010-2015 Aqualectra (2010)
- Puerto Oasis Tourism Development Project, Environmental Report (2008)
- Environmental permit application for Sea Water Air Conditioning (2006)
- Permit application and environmental study for a new Reversed Osmosis plant (2003)
- Support Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Natural Gas Supply to WEB Aruba N.V. (2022)
- Environmental Impact Assessment land reclamation, Barcadera (2018)
- Site Specific Environmental Study Floating Solar Project (2016)
- Environmental Impact Assessment Airport Boutique Hotel (2016)
- Environmental studies for new Reversed osmosis plants (2008-2015)
- Environmental Impact Assessment Project Las Olas, Palm Beach (2015)
- Environmental Impact Assessment Project Antillas, Palm Beach (2014)
- Environmental Impact Assessment Project Azure, Eagle Beach (2014)
- Social and Environmental Impact Report Hydrostor system (2013)
- Quick Scan of aspects for Social and Environmental Assessment, wind farm Aruba (2011)
- Permit Application Windfarm ContourGlobal (2023)
- Environmental impact assessment for a solar farm (2020)
- Permit extension ContourGlobal (2019)
- Drafting of Starting Note for an EIA for a new Reversed Osmosis plant (2015)
- Compliance check permit existing power plant ContourGlobal (2015)
- Drafting of Starting Note for a Kitesurfing beach (2015)
- Environmental report Saliña di Vlijt (2013)